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[심즈4 CC] 말린 장미 립 (배포) [Sims4 CC] Dry Rose Lip


by jellybean 2020. 4. 4. 10:50



말린 장미색 너무 좋아ㅠㅠ

약간 매트한 진한 말린 장미색으로 8종 세트 만들었습니다~

다음에는 다가오는 봄에 맞춰 밝은 버전으로도 제작할 생각이에요.


Hi guys,

I made this matte lip with deep dried rose colors.

There are 8 swatches. 

I'm thinking of making a more subtle version for spring season as well.

Hope you enjoy!




(수정/재배포 X) Please don't modify / reupload my file. Share via link to my blog! Thanks. :)

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